16th Street NW Bus Lanes Project
The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) has completed 100% roadway design plans for the 16th Street NW Bus Lanes corridor that extends 2.7 miles from Arkansas Avenue NW to K Street NW.
The bus routes along 16th Street currently serve more than 20,000 riders each weekday, making the corridor one of the busiest in the region in terms of ridership; more than half of the people traveling on 16th Street in the peak are bus riders. However, the line suffers from reliability issues and overcrowding, resulting in bus bunching, pass-bys, and slow travel speeds. Motorists also experience significant queuing during rush hours. In addition, 16th Street often serves as a barrier between neighborhoods. Pedestrian crossings are difficult, especially at several complex intersections, and east-west connectivity is limited for vehicles.
In December 2016 the District Department of Transportation kicked off the design phase of the 16th Street Bus Lanes Project. DDOT used the recommendations from the April 2016 16th Street NW Transit Priority Planning Study as a guide in developing the roadway design plans. The project features include peak period bus lanes, ADA accessible bus stops, enhanced passenger bus stop passenger amenities (expanded bus zones, bus shelters, etc.), bus stop consolidation, transit signal priority, queue jumps, and pedestrian improvements.
The final roadway design plans are completed.
Construction on the 16th Street corridor began in February 2021 and is anticipated to be completed in late Spring 2022.
For questions regarding the project or to be added to the mailing list, please complete the form below.
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If you need special accommodations or language assistance services (sign language interpretation or translation) please contact James Sellars, Project Manager, at 16thstreet.buslanes@dc.gov or 240-534-5466 five days in advance of the meeting. These services will be provided free of charge.
The 16th Street NW Bus Lanes Project Project is committed to providing a website that offers accessibility to the widest possible audience, regardless of circumstance and ability. We strive to adhere as closely as possible to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.0, Level AA), published by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). These guidelines explain how to make web content more accessible for people with disabilities. While we aim to ensure that the website meets all the guidelines and standards for accessibility, we know that there are still some areas that could use improvement. Due to the dynamic nature of the website, minor issues may occasionally occur as it is updated regularly. We are continually seeking out solutions that will make the site more user friendly and bring each section up to the same level of overall web accessibility.
If you have any comments and or suggestions regarding improving the accessibility of our site, please contact us using the form above. Your feedback will help us to make the necessary improvements to serve all of our users better.